Get things moving for your Council and yourself
Good ideas can go a long way once they are moving
Good ideas can go a long way once they are moving
For the past 25 years, Stephanie has worked in Town, District, and Parish Councils; most recently for Parish Councils that have undergone structural change and a refocussing on identifying and delivering on the needs of the local community.
Stephanie's move into the local government followed a successful career in the private sector
Most recently she has mentored councillors and officers to achieve what they joined the sector for and writes for professional journals on the challenges being faced.
Town and Parish Councils never stand still and Stephanie has assisted Councils to deliver:
Stephanie is ready assist you to deliver the needs of your council and your community, and to help you to achieve your best
Successful outcomes start with suitable data collection, consultation and analysis using local knowledge to provide local context.
Stephanie commenced her local government career working on Single Regeneration Budget projects, and Market and Coastal Towns Initiatives before moving to Crime Reduction, the reduction of re-offending and tackling anti-social behaviour.
Stephanie possesses both an MA (Public Leadership and Management) and an MSc (Community Safety) providing her a solid baseline for all research; and her private sector career provided agile project management experience and capability.
A core approach to all of Stephanie's work is engagement and capacity building without which a council and its councillors cannot be sure to be delivering the identified needs
Stephanie has a keen interest in Procedural Justice. and has recently undertaken research with De Montfort University looking at Procedural Justice in relation to the decision making of councillors acting within a body corporate. From that research a policy has been developed that aims to deliver procedural justice within the decision making of local councils. A copy of the policy is available and for those wishing to read the research paper this can also be accessed on the links below
Stephanie's CV demonstrates a broad experience across private and public sector and a wealth of qualifications
This cutting edge policy for town and parish councils aims to improve procedural justice thus increasing the number of people wishing to be a councillor and helping to reduce the number of complaints related to the conduct of councillors
The research paper sets out the scope of the research into procedural justice, the related theory and most importantly the results of in-depth interviews with councillors.
I enjoy talking to town and parish councils, individual councillors and organisations who want to work within the sector so please let me know you would like a chat and we can meet in person or on line
New Milton, Hampshire, England, United Kingdom